Scheduled Maintenance for your PowerDNN / AppZone Server

What: Scheduled Maintenance for your PowerDNN / AppZone Server
When: Saturday, October 19, 2013, from 12:00 AM to 3:00 AM
Duration: Approximately 10 to 15 minutes within the maintenance window

What is being done?
We will be performing software updates to our core switches. This is a normal part of our routine network maintenance. You have received this notice because your PowerDNN / AppZone website may experience brief, intermittent availability during this scheduled maintenance while software changes occur and routing paths update.

What Do You Have to Do?
The maintenance requires no action on your part. This is a normal part of routine maintenance, and websites may experience intermittent availability while software changes occur. Redundancies in our datacenters will keep the impact to a minimum. 
If you experience any issues inconsistent with this notice, please contact the support team for immediate assistance.