How to Set Up Firewall Rules in Plesk

How to Set Up Firewall Rules in Plesk

To customize the firewall rules on a server, dedicated server customers can follow the steps that pertain to the version of Plesk on the server. Shared hosting customers will need to contact support to request any changes to their Plesk firewall settings.

See How to Determine Which Version of Plesk Control Panel is Installed on a Server to know which set of directions to follow.

You should not modify the firewall unless you are certain you know what you are doing. 
In Plesk 12.x
  1. Log into your dedicated server using Remote Desktop.
  2. Log in to Plesk as admin
  3. In the left menu click on Server Management >Tools & Settings.
  4. Under the Security heading select Firewall
  5. Switch to the Firewall Rules tab.
    • To create a new rule, click Add Firewall Rule and fill in a Rule name and port, then click on OK.
    • To enable a disabled rule, click the Empty Circle next to it.
    • To disable an enabled rule, click the green check mark next to it.
      Plesk Firewall Rules

In Plesk 11.x
  1. Log into your dedicated server using Remote Desktop.
  2. Log in to Plesk as admin.
  3. In the left menu click on Server Management >Tools & Settings.
  4. Click on ( in the Tools & Resources section) the Firewall link
  5. Switch to the Firewall Rules tab.
    • To create a new rule, click Add Firewall Rule and fill in a Rule name and port, then click on OK.
    • To enable a disabled rule, click the Empty Circle next to it.
    • To disable an enabled rule, click the green check mark next to it.
      Plesk Firewall Rules
In Plesk 9.x
  1. Log into your dedicated server using Remote Desktop.
  2. Log in to Plesk as admin.
  3. Under the Main Menu on the left, click Settings.
  4. Under Security, click Manage Firewall Rules, then the Firewall Rules tab.
    • To create a new rule, click Add Firewall Rule and fill in a Rule name and port, then hit OK.
    • To enable a disabled rule, click the red X next to it.
    • To disable an enabled rule, click the green check mark next to it.


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