Use Control Suite to Install an App on Your Dedicated Server

Use Control Suite to Install an App on Your Dedicated Server
Control Suite simplifies the process of installing a CMS app on a domain. It streamlines tasks like clearing out unnecessary files, downloading, extracting, and copying installation files, applying appropriate permissions and overriding the server's hosts file. The instructions below require that a domain has already been created in Plesk. Refer to How to Create a Domain

To Install an App on an Existing Domain
  1. Log into your dedicated server using Remote Desktop.
  2. Double click on the Control Suite icon on your desktop. If the shortcut is not available, browse to c:\netstrap\SystemControl and run NetStrap.exe via Windows Explorer.
  3. Click Login.
  4. In the Navigation Tree double click on the Plesk x.x.x (Domains) icon .
  5. Double click on the domain on which you want to install an app.
  6. Click on No App Installed
  7. In the Commands Ribbon click on Install App.
  8. Choose the app you want to install and click Next.
    Install App button in Control Suite
  9. Select the app version and edition. Press Next.
  10. Choose a template if desired and available.
  11. Verify the Install Parameters; the default parameters are valid in most installations.
    Control Suite's Install Parameters
  12. Click Finish.
  13. Watch the Output Pane for information on the progress of the installation. As the app is being installed a browser window will pop up with the progress of the CMS installation.
    successful dnn installation
  14. Verify the app installed successfully by viewing the pages on the site.
    default DNN 6 installation

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