The Gene6 FTP Service Will Not Start On Windows Server 2008
If you receive a "StartService FAILED 1053" error on a Windows Server 2008, it is caused when Gene6 is blocked by the Windows Data Execution Prevention feature. To add Gene6 to list of programs to be ignored by DEP, please follow these Instructions.
- Log into your dedicated server using Remote Desktop.
- Click on Start > Control Panel to open the Windows Control Panel.
- In the small or large icon view, click on System.
- On the left hand menu, click on Advanced System Settings.
- On the Advanced tab, under Performance, click on Settings.
- Go to the Data Execution Prevention tab.
- Click on Add.
- Browse to C:\Program Files (x86)\Gene6 FTP Server and then click on G6FTPServer.exe and click Open.
- Click OK twice.
Article ID: 499, Created: April 9, 2012 at 4:51 PM, Modified: August 26, 2014 at 9:22 AM