How to Enable Webstats and View Statistics

How to Enable Webstats and View Statistics
NOTE: Webstats is a deprecated statistics program, and no longer works in our environment. We recommend using Google Analytics.
Plesk 12.5
How to Enable WebStats for a Domain.
  1. Log into control panel 
  2. Click on the domains tab and click (domain name)
  3. Under my subscriptions click Hosting Settings
  4. Scroll down to (none) web statistics and change to AWSTATS
  5. Make sure CGI, Perl, and Python are enabled
  6. If you do not want to be prompted for a password when viewing statistics, uncheck the password-protected directory box and then click OK.
  7. Go back to the Websites and Domains page and click on Web Statistics.

Plesk 11
How to Enable WebStats for a Domain.
  1. Log into your Control Panel.
  2. Under My Subscriptions click on Manage Hosting next to your domain.
  3. Go to Websites & Domains.
  4. Click on Show Advanced Operations.
  5. Click on Website Scripting and Security.
  6. Make sure that CGI, Python, and Perl are selected.
  7. Choose a AWStats from the drop menu. 
  8. If you do not want to be prompted for a password when viewing statistics, uncheck the password-protected directory box and then click OK.
  9. Go back to the Websites and Domains page and click on Web Statistics.
It takes 24 hours before statistics can be generated. 
View Statistics
  1. Log into your Control Panel.
  2. Click on the System tab. 
  3. In the My Subscriptions section click on Manage Hosting next to your domain.
  4. Click on Manage Hosting.
  5. Click on the Websites & Domains tab.
  6. Click on Web Statistics.
  7. If you are prompted for a password, the credentials are the default FTP account. If you do not have that information, submit a support ticket.
Plesk 9
How to enable WebStats for a domain.
  1. Log into your Control Panel.
  2. Click on System > Domains > [DOMAIN] > Web Hosting Settings.
  3. Make sure that CGI and Perl are selected. 
  4. Choose a Web statistics program from the drop menu.
  5. If you do not want to be prompted for a password when viewing statistics, uncheck the password-protected directory box and then click OK.
It takes 24 hours before statistics can be generated. 
View Statistics
  1. Log into your Control Panel.
  2. Click on System > Domains > [DOMAIN].
  3. Under the Statistics section click on the Web Statistics button.
  4. If you are prompted for a password, the credentials are the default FTP account. If you do not have that information, submit a support ticket.


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How can someone tell if they are using Plesk 9 or Plesk 11?
Gregory Kramer (November 5, 2015 at 9:39 PM)

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