Optimize Application Pools and Enable KeepAlive
Note: This knowledge base article is meant for dedicated server clients only. On your dedicated server, you want to optimize your application pools for maximum performance.
- This will also add KeepAlive to every site on the server.
- This task will optimize the servers application pools for maximum performance. This will cause the server to use more memory.
- This task will also implement protective measures on the application pool so that a malfunctioning website can not consume all of the server's resources.
- If you have a large number of sites, this may cause your server to run more slowly.
Steps to Optimize Applications Pools and Enable KeepAlive
- Log into the server through Remote Desktop.
- Double click on the Control Suite icon. If the shortcut is not available, browse to c:\netstrap\SystemControl and run NetStrap.exe via Windows Explorer.
- Go to Server > Plesk x.x.x (Domains) and click on Optimize Application Pools in the Commands Ribbon (see image below).
- A script will run to optimize your application pools' performance.
Note: If your server begins having poor performance due to of a large number of sites, running the Density command from the drop down will reset the default values.
Article ID: 487, Created: April 9, 2012 at 4:39 PM, Modified: August 28, 2014 at 10:15 AM