Optimize Application Pools and Enable KeepAlive

Optimize Application Pools and Enable KeepAlive
Note: This knowledge base article is meant for dedicated server clients only.
On your dedicated server, you want to optimize your application pools for maximum performance.
  • This will also add KeepAlive to every site on the server.
  • This task will optimize the servers application pools for maximum performance. This will cause the server to use more memory.
  • This task will also implement protective measures on the application pool so that a malfunctioning website can not consume all of the server's resources.
  • If you have a large number of sites, this may cause your server to run more slowly.
Steps to Optimize Applications Pools and Enable KeepAlive
  1. Log into the server through Remote Desktop.
  2. Double click on the Control Suite icon. If the shortcut is not available, browse to c:\netstrap\SystemControl and run NetStrap.exe via Windows Explorer.
  3. Go to Server > Plesk x.x.x (Domains) and click on Optimize Application Pools in the Commands Ribbon (see image below).
    Control Suite Ribbon Bar Commands
  4. A script will run to optimize your application pools' performance.
Note: If your server begins having poor performance due to of a large number of sites, running the Density command from the drop down will reset the default values.

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