The difference between Parallels Business Automation and Parallels Plesk Panel

What Is the difference between Parallels Business Automation and Parallels Plesk Panel?

Parallels Business Automation, also known as PBA, is the billing system that allows you to change your payment method, view past statements, update your account information and order additional resources such as more disk storage space or a dedicated IP address.

Parallels Plesk Panel, usually referred to as Plesk, is control panel software used to manage services on the server such as IIS, FTP, Mail and SQL. The Plesk Control Panel is used to create and manage the hosting environment for the domain. It is not used to make content changes to a site.

If you are on a shared hosting account you may never notice there are two systems integrated into one interface. Changes such as DNS records or domain aliases that are made within your Plesk Control Panel are automatically propagated through our servers through PBA.

If have have a dedicated server you will notice that you only have access to your billing information when you login to your account and you must access Plesk directly on the server through Remote Desktop or through a different address such is https://yourserver'sipaddress:8443. 

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