Change the DotNetNuke FavIcon

How to Change Your FavIcon for Your DotNetNuke Website
By default your DotNetNuke website displays a DotNetNuke pinwheel icon to the left of your URL in your browser's Address bar field. You can change this icon with your own custom favicon by following these steps.

DNN default favicon

DNN 6.X/7.X
  1. Log into your website as Admin or Host.
  2. Go to Admin > Site Settings > Appearance section.
  3. Locate the Favicon.ico section. Click Upload File then browse to where your favicon.ico is on your local PC and select it.
  4. Select the favicon in the drop down menu and click Update.
  1. Log into your Control Panel
  2. Click on the System tab.
  3. Click on Domains > [your domain].
  4. Click on File Manager
  5. Navigate to the httpdocs/Portals/0 folder. (Change the portal number to the portal that needs a new favicon if it is something other than the default portal 0).
  6. Check the box next to the current favicon.ico and click on Remove.
  7. Click on Add New File.
  8. Click on the Upload file radio button, click on Choose File
  9. Browse to your new favicon, select it and click on Open. Click on OK to upload your new favicon.ico to the folder.
Browsers are notorious about caching favicons. Be sure to clear your browser cache and refresh you site to view your new favicon.

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