Scope FTP Connections to Specific IP Addresses through Windows Firewall

Scope FTP Connections to Specific IP Addresses
This is for Dedicated Server Customers only! If you are on Shared Hosting and have a dedicated IP Address, please contact Support for assistance with this.
This article goes over the process of restricting your FTP connections to only the allowed IP Addresses or ranges.
Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security
  1. Remote into your dedicated server, and open the Start Menu
  2. Type in Windows Firewall, and select Windows Defender Firewall with Advanced Security
  3. Click on Inbound Rules
  4. Left click the Local Port tab to sort it by Port, and look for FTP (Port 21 by default)
  5. Double click the FTP rule to open the Rule Properties, click the Scope tab
  6. Under the Remote IP address section, switch the radio button to These IP Addresses
  7. Add any desired IP Address or IP Range you would like to Allow access to.
  8. Click OK
To find additional information about securing your server through Windows Firewall, please check out Securing your Server with Windows Defender Firewall

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