How To Access The Email Defense Control Panel

This article explains how to access the Email Defense Control Panel through your Control Panel.

Please Note: By default simply changing the MX records to the Email Defense ones will immediately, once the DNS propagates, will begin to stop/quarantine SPAM, as such the control panel for Email Defense should be considered for advanced users only. If you'd like assistance with the Email Defense Control Panel please contact Support.
What you can do with the Email Defense Control Panel:
  • Monitor SPAM/Quarantine Logs
  • Flag certain messages as good emails to be allowed through
  • Manage how mail is being sent to the destination server
Logging into the Email Defense Control Panel
  1. Login to your Control Panel
  2. Select the product/service you'd like to manage

  3. From the service screen towards the bottom of the page select Log In To Panel

  4. A new window/tab will open and you will be taken to the Email Defense Control Panel:

In case the login button is not functioning here is the direct link to email defense login.  and use the username and password from email defense product page.

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