Unable to Restore BACPAC Azure Backup in SQL Management Studio

In this article we explain the issue, cause, and resolution to importing a data-tier level application backup (Azure DB backup) using Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2016.
Please Note: This article is written for SQL Server 2016 but may be applied to SQL Server 2014 as well
When you attempt to restore a BACPAC Azure DB backup in a local Microsoft SQL server 2016 instance using SQL Management Studio you may get an error like below:
Internal Error. The internal target platform type Sql120DatabaseSchemaProvider does not support schema file version ‘3.5’. (File: D:\supportcases\something.bacpac) (Microsoft.Data.Tools.Schema.Sql)

This is attributed to how the user backs up the Azure database using the new version of Azure V12. When you attempt to import a data-tier application within Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio, resulting in the above mentioned error.
You need to download the latest Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio in order to support the new formats of Azure DB backups

Microsoft SQL Server Management Studio 2016 (Separate Download not included with SQL Server install anymore)
For Microsoft SQL Server 2014 you may need to install the latest service pack and any cumulative updates

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