How To Create Additional Administrator Accounts for Windows Server 2012

How To Create Additional Administrator Accounts for Windows Server 2012
This article is for Dedicated Server Customers only.  Shared environment customers will not have access to these features.  If you need any assistance, please contact Support.
With your Dedicated Server you will have full reign to how your environment is configured. You are responsible for access to your server, particularly in regard to any additional RDP/Administrator accounts. In the interest of server security we have the following recommendations:
  1. Have as few RDP/Administrator accounts as is necessary.
  2. Limit access to the accounts for your server. ie, only give the credentials to trusted users - ideally access should only be granted to one user per account.
  3. Use strong password policy.
If you find yourself needing additional Administrator Accounts, please use the following steps to get them created.
We must first create the account before it can be added to the Administrator Group role.
  1. Navigate to Computer Management.  This can be done by clicking Start > Computer Management or via Run > compmgmt.msc
  2. In the left hand pane expand Local Users and Groups
  3. Right click Users > New User...
  4. In the window which pops up, provide the new account a username and a description.  Be sure set a strong and secure password for the account.  You may configure the rest of the options as is needed.
  5. Once complete click Create.
Once you have your user account created we will need to add it into the Administrator Role.
  1. On the left hand pane of Computer Management, expand Local Users and Groups and click the Groups folder.
  2. Double click Administrators from the middle pane.
  3. In the popup window, click Add...
  4. In the new window which opens, select Locations then select the top most item in the list which will be your local server and hit OK. If you are prompted for a password at this step click cancel.
  5. Once the Location has changed enter your new users Username in the objects box then click Check Names to ensure its valid.  Once Windows has validated the account, click OK.
Your new account will now be setup and ready to use with Administrator privileges. 

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