Control Suite is Unable to Delete Database Error: Cannot delete database which is in use by a site application

When you try to delete a WordPress site using Control Suite on a Plesk 12 server you get the following error:
System.Exception: Unable to delete database wpdemo Error: Cannot delete database which is in use by a site application
   at SystemControl.API.Management.Domains.Wipe(String DomainName, CleanDomainParameters Parameters)
   at SystemControl.WebApps.Common.Commands.Delete_App.<Execute>d__0.MoveNext()
   at SystemControl.ObjectTree.TaskManager.<>c__DisplayClassa`2.<AddTask>b__9()
   at SystemControl.ObjectTree.Task.DoWork()
The Parallels WordPress Toolkit was used to install or migrate the WordPress site. 
  1. Log into Plesk as admin.
  2. In the left navigation window click Subscriptions.
  3. Select the subscription.
  4. Click on the Websites & Domains tab.
  5. Click WordPress.
  6. Select the site you want to remove.

    WordPress Toolkit Domain
  7. Click Remove and confirm removal.

    Remove WordPress site

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