404.17 Error Wildcard Handler

 404.17 Error Wildcard Handler

When attempting to access your site, you get a 404.  Checking the detailed error provides a 404.17 error stating that a wildcard handler is causing the site to not load.

IIS is lacking the correct handlers for your site.

  1. Open the site's Web.Config and make a backup of it. See How to Access Your Web.Config
  2. Open IIS information Manager from the Start menu.
  3. Expand the Sites in IIS.
  4. Click on the domain.
  5. In the right panel, double click Handlers.
  6. On the far right panel, click Revert to Parent.
  7. Click OK.
  8. Using the web.config backup, copy and paste the handlers back in to the new web.config, as the revert to parent option removes them from web.config.
    1. (alternate) Replace the web.config with the backup

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