404.17 Error Wildcard Handler
When attempting to access your site, you get a 404. Checking the detailed error provides a 404.17 error stating that a wildcard handler is causing the site to not load.
IIS is lacking the correct handlers for your site.
- Open the site's Web.Config and make a backup of it. See How to Access Your Web.Config
- Open IIS information Manager from the Start menu.
- Expand the Sites in IIS.
- Click on the domain.
- In the right panel, double click Handlers.
- On the far right panel, click Revert to Parent.
- Click OK.
- Using the web.config backup, copy and paste the handlers back in to the new web.config, as the revert to parent option removes them from web.config.
- (alternate) Replace the web.config with the backup
Article ID: 1847, Created: March 4, 2013 at 10:21 AM, Modified: September 15, 2016 at 3:14 PM