How to Set Up SmarterStats on Your Dedicated Server

How to Set Up SmarterStats on Your Dedicated Server

Your dedicated server comes with a SmarterTools bundle. The SmarterTools bundle includes SmarterStats, a statistics program that allows you to generate report items that analyze your website's traffic. Your Parallels Plesk Panel has AWStats and  Webstats installed by default. To use SmarterStats, follow the instructions below.

Download and Install SmarterStats
  1. Log into your dedicated server using Remote Desktop.
  2. Open a browser and go to the SmarterStats download page.
  3. Locate your license key from your SmarterTools email.
  4. Install and license SmarterStats.

Plesk 11.x & 12.x
  1. Log into Plesk as Admin
  2. Go to Tools & Settings
  3. Under Server Management, go to Server Components.
  4. In the Web Statistics section, click on SmarterStats.
  5. In the password field, enter you SmaterStats Admin user password.
  6. Click OK
Plesk 9.x
  1. Log into Plesk as Admin
  2. Under Server, go to Server Components.
  3. In the Web Statistics section, click on SmarterStats.
  4. In the password field, enter your SmarterStats Admin user password.
  5. Click OK.


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