Cannot Log into Any Mail Account, or "Mailmanager->turnondomain() Failed" Error when Enabling Mail on Domain

Cannot Log in to Any Mail Account, or "Mailmanager->turnondomain() Failed" Error when Enabling Mail on Domain

When attempting to log into any mail account, the username or password is reported as invalid even when correct. Additionally, the mail services on the domain cannot be reenabled after being disabled, producing the following error:
ERROR: PleskFatalException
mailManager->turnOnDomain() failed: mailmng failed: MEAOSM.Domain.GetDomain failed

NOTE: This fix is only applicable when both of the conditions described above are true. 

This is caused by the domain record being removed from the mail server but not from Plesk.

The mail services for the domain must be configured again by following the steps below.
If you are a shared server customer this will have to be done by a support technician. 
  1. Connect to the server using Remote Desktop.
  2. Click Start > Run and type cmd into the Run dialogue box.
  3. In the Command Prompt type the following command, replacing with the relevant domain.
    "%plesk_bin%\mchk.exe" --domain
Once this command has completed, log the Mail Service will need to be enabled on the domain through the Control Panel using the following steps.
Plesk 12.x
  1. Log in to the Control Panel.
  2. Choose the correct subscription from the drop down menu in the upper right.
  3. Click Subscriptions.
  4. Select the domain you are working with.
  5. Click the Mail tab.
  6. Click Mail Settings.
  7. Click on the domain you are working with.
  8. Check the Activate mail service on domain box.
  9. Click OK.
Plesk 11.x
  1. Log in to the Control Panel.
  2. Choose the correct subscription from the drop down menu in the upper right.
  3. Click Domains.
  4. Select the domain you are working with.
  5. Click the Mail tab.
  6. Click Change Settings.
  7. Check the Activate mail service on domain box.
  8. Click OK.
Plesk 9.x
  1. Log in to the Control Panel.
  2. Click Domains.
  3. Select the domain you are working with.
  4. Click Mail Accounts.
  5. Click Mail Settings.
  6. Check the Activate mail service on domain box.
  7. Click OK.

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